Another inspirational video: For kids! (Also, eye safety)

Moving forward, the posts on this blog will primarily deal with tips about this eclipse: what to look for, how to deal with the weather and so on.

I came across this video and wondered to share it for additional inspiration.

I’m sharing it specifically because there are children in the video. This family observed the total solar eclipse in Nebraska in 2017. 

Please watch the video here:

The main thing I’m wanting everyone to focus on is the reactions. Notice the comments of fascination and wonder as the sky is getting rapidly darker. 

Then notice the burst of excitement from all the children (and the adults!) when everyone takes their glasses off and sees the totally eclipsed sun- with the glorious corona- for the first time.

The excitement remains throughout the rest of totality. 

I’d like to make special note of a couple of brief moments in the video. At 1:51, the young girl in the royal blue shirt raises her arms and says “The total eclipse! Yes!” 

Look at that smile on her face. That is pure JOY.

A few seconds later, she says “I can’t take my eyes off of that!” That is the beauty of the corona.

That family had a incredible experience that they will remember for a lifetime.

Whether your children (or grandchildren) watch with you, or at their school with their teachers and classmates, it will be an experience unlike any other for them.

Fair warning: Adults maybe just as excited as the kids.

An additional comment on eye safety: I think this family did very well regarding that. They stressed the importance of using the proper safety protection up until the moment of totality. They stressed the importance of taking off the safety glasses and looking directly during totality. They stressed the importance of using the safety glasses after totality. 

I have a very strong feeling the parents educated their children on the importance of eye safety in the days or weeks leading up to the eclipse, but that they also got their kids excited about the eclipse as well.

That’s the primary goal of this blog. I’m hoping that by getting people excited about this upcoming eclipse that they will want to learn more.


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