An inspiring video

I've come to find that one of the best ways to convey the experience of totality is to show a video of it (with the accompanying reactions from people).

Here is a good example:

This was taken at the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse. 

The observer was in western Nebraska (not me: credit goes to @XXJeremiahAXX on YouTube)

Please note: the video starts to get rather good at around the 4:00 point, so you can skip ahead if you wish.

Some highlights to point out:

  • Note the rapid change in light level. The last minute or so before totality features a drop in light that can be seen in real time!
  • Note the reactions as totality is getting closer, and especially after it begins 
  • Lots of "WHOA!"s
  • "I'm shaking right now"
  • "Oh my, that's so beautiful!"
  • Uncontrolled laughter
  • Multiple expressions of wonder and awe
  • Of course, lots of "Wow!"s

Before I proceed, some things to note: 

  • The video (likely from a cell phone) does NOT capture the totality itself (the solar corona) very well: it's overexposed (not the photographer's fault)- the beauty of totality is IMPOSSIBLE to capture 
  • After totality it's rather anti-climactic, but you're encouraged to watch for a bit to hear the post-totality comments. (Be aware of an adult word said at 8:57, there may be others in the video)
  • Be sure to read the comments. Notice how other people who saw the totality agreed that it was an amazing experience!

Final note: Reactions like this to experiencing totality are typical!

Are you inspired to go see the totality next April 8? Thanks for reading! 


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