
Showing posts from December, 2023

Making it a day trip: tips for those who live close to totality

Hello, everyone! Hope all is well as we look forward to a new year. There are many people who live in areas that aren’t too far outside of the totality path- close enough that traveling to it could be done as a day trip. If y0u are reading this, this post is for you. I’ll get something out of the way: as a reminder, please do NOT settle for the deep partial (likely 95% or more) that you would get from home. See my other posts on the eclipse experience: no degree of partial eclipse will EVER compare to totality. There are beautiful, incredible things that you can see and experience, but ONLY in the totality path (shown between the red lines): There are people suggesting to stay in the totality path for the rest of eclipse day, then drive back the next day. If some of you can do that, great. But I understand that some of you need to be back home the same day, and by a reasonable hour. This blog post covers th...

An inspiring video

I've come to find that one of the best ways to convey the experience of totality is to show a video of it (with the accompanying reactions from people). Here is a good example: T his was taken at the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse.  The observer was in western Nebraska (not me: credit goes to @XXJeremiahAXX on YouTube) Please note: the video starts to get rather good at around the 4:00 point, so you can skip ahead if you wish. Some highlights to point out: Note the rapid change in light level. The last minute or so before totality features a drop in light that can be seen in real time! Note the reactions as totality is getting closer, and especially after it begins   Lots of "WHOA!"s "I'm shaking right now" "Oh my, that's so beautiful!" Uncontrolled laughter Multiple expressions of wonder and awe Of course, lots of "Wow!"s Before I proceed, some things to note:  The video (likely from a...

Lodging tips - don't give up!

I've been seeing some posts on social media that say things like: Hotels, Air BnB's etc are charging excessive rates  There are stories where people are booking at one rate, then the hotel/Air BnB, etc. call them, and say the reservation would be cancelled if the prospective client does not pay a significantly higher rate than the original  People seem to be giving up and choosing not to go to the totality path because of this.  My suggestion is: don't give up! I've been looking at hotels, for example, and I'm seeing some in the areas suggested below that are at reasonable rates. You just have to be looking for them. Here are some thoughts: Look for places to stay that are in the path, but closer to the edge (with a shorter totality)- you can watch from there or try for a longer totality  Look for places to stay outside of the path (but close to it) - with the intention leaving very early and driving to the totality path in plenty of time If possible, try for a comp...

A Very Inspiring Totality Story

Hi Everyone- I hope you're having a great end to 2023.  I have shared this link with many of you; although some of you may be seeing this for the first time. I strongly encourage you to read this, if you have not already: This blogger, Lindsay Ferrier, experienced the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017. I have read many reports of total solar eclipses in my 30 years of being into astronomy, and this, in my opinion is one of the most inspiring. Here's why: Notice how she gives no indication that she was interested in astronomy or eclipses before this. She may have a general fascination with space, but there's no indication she is an astronomer, has a telescope or anything like that. Also notice how she was excited at first, then her excitement turned to worry (see the "eclipse panic" link in the story). She was concerned: is it going to be worth all the traffic and crowds? Bu...